Ins and Outs of Directors Loan Accounts: A Comprehensive Guide


Directors’ loan accounts are a common source of funding for UK businesses, particularly for smaller companies. In this article, we will explore what directors’ loan accounts are, their uses, potential risks, and obligations associated with them.

The utilization of directors’ loan accounts is frequent among UK businesses, especially for smaller entities. This article aims to delve into what these accounts are, their purposes, likely hazards, and the duties that come with them.

What are Directors’ Loan Accounts?

The loan accounts of directors pertain to the monetary amount that a shareholder or director has either borrowed from or lent to the company. It is crucial to keep track of these accounts as they monitor the cash flow in and out of the company and ensure that all transactions are accurately documented.

Uses of Directors’ Loan Accounts

Directors have the option to use their loan accounts for various purposes, including short-term financing, unforeseen expenses, or to support working capital. These accounts can be beneficial for businesses that are unable to secure funding via conventional means like banks or investors.

Risks Associated with Directors’ Loan Accounts

If directors do not record their loan accounts accurately or follow tax laws and regulations, there can be issues. It is crucial to differentiate between a loan and a distribution. A loan happens when a director borrows money from the company whereas a distribution is a payment made to a shareholder to decrease a company’s profits.

In case a director takes money from the company without recording it as a loan, it may be considered a distribution, which could lead to tax obligations for both the director and the company. Moreover, if a director takes a loan from the company and fails to pay interest on it, it might be viewed as a kind of benefit, leading to more tax responsibilities for both the director and the company.

Impact on Financial Statements

The financial statements of a company may be affected by the existence of Directors’ loan accounts. When a director owes money to the company, it is necessary to document it as a liability on the company’s balance sheet. This can have consequences for the company’s financial well-being and might influence its chances of obtaining financing or drawing in investors.


The loan accounts of directors can pose consequences during insolvency. If a company becomes insolvent and a director has outstanding debts to the company, the liquidator may attempt to retrieve the owed funds. Similarly, if a director has loaned money to the company and it becomes insolvent, the director may be classified as an unsecured creditor and may not be able to obtain their funds.

Obligations and Compliance

Directors are required to have knowledge of their responsibilities and adhere to tax statutes and rules. It is crucial that directors keep precise and current documentation of all operations, such as documenting the loan date, amount, conditions, and any interest received or given.

Moreover, it is essential for directors to seek guidance from an expert accountant or tax consultant to ensure that their loan accounts abide by all applicable laws and regulations. Neglecting these regulations can lead to monetary fines and can also negatively impact the image of the company and its directors.

Companies Act 2006

Directors need to be aware of the regulations outlined in the Companies Act 2006, which establish particular guidelines and limitations concerning directors’ loans. One such restriction is that a director cannot receive a loan from the company unless it receives approval from shareholders at a general meeting, and the loan must be returned within a designated period.

Difference between a director's loan account and a shareholder's loan account

As a business owner, understanding the difference between a director’s loan account and a shareholder’s loan account is crucial for managing your finances effectively. Both accounts represent forms of loans taken out by individuals associated with the company, but they differ in several key aspects.

A director’s loan account (DLA) is a record of transactions between the company and a director, where the director borrows money from the business or lends money to it. It is a way for a director to take money out of the company without receiving taxable income. The loan can be either secured or unsecured and accrues interest, which must be repaid on top of the principal amount. The director’s loan account is usually reconciled at the end of the financial year to ensure that any money taken or lent has been accounted for.

On the other hand, a shareholder’s loan account (SLA) is a record of transactions between the company and a shareholder, where the shareholder lends money to the business. This type of loan is often used by companies that need to raise additional funds quickly without diluting their equity. Unlike a DLA, an SLA can only be unsecured, and the interest rate is typically set by the company at the time of the loan agreement. A shareholder’s loan account must also be reconciled at the end of the financial year to ensure that the loan is not confused with other payments, such as dividends.

Is interest due on a directors loan account?

Whether or not interest is payable on a director’s loan account is contingent upon the agreement between the company and the director, as well as the terms of the loan.

When the loan agreement stipulates an interest rate, the borrower is required to pay interest on the loan, which should be fair and in line with the prevailing market rate for the specific type of loan.

In the event that the loan agreement fails to mention any interest rate, the loan will be regarded as interest-free. As a result, the director will not be required to pay any interest on the loan, though there might be tax consequences that need to be taken into account.

Receiving an interest-free loan from the company may lead to tax obligations for both the director and the company, as it could be seen as a type of benefit. To prevent such tax consequences, the director may have to pay interest on the loan at the prevailing market rate.

It should be highlighted that failure to repay a loan within a specified duration may result in tax consequences, even if no interest is applied. According to UK tax regulations, loans that are not settled by the company’s accounting period’s conclusion may incur extra taxes, including the s455 tax fee.

In general, it is important to clearly outline the terms and conditions of a director’s loan account, such as the requirement for interest payments, in the loan agreement and ensure that they adhere to all applicable tax laws and regulations.


Tax implications of taking money out of a directors loan account

Withdrawals made from a director’s loan account may result in tax consequences for both the company and the director involved. The tax ramifications will be determined by the type of transaction and how it is documented in the company’s financial records.


In the event that a director withdraws funds from the company but fails to document it as a loan, it could be considered a distribution. A distribution refers to a payment to a shareholder that decreases the company’s earnings. Should the distribution be derived from untaxed profits, the director may be responsible for paying income tax on the distribution.

Additional taxes that the company may face include the Corporation Tax on Chargeable Gains (CTCG) and the Income Tax on Close Companies (ITCC). The CTCG applies to profits generated by the sale or disposal of assets, whereas the ITCC is applicable to companies with fewer than five shareholders.


When a director borrows money from the company without interest or with a low interest rate, there may be tax consequences. If the loan is interest, the director may have to pay income tax on the assumed interest calculated based on the official rate set by HMRC.

When the interest rate on the loan is low, the director might have to pay income tax on the gap between the market interest rate and the actual rate charged. Additionally, the company could face other taxes like the s455 tax charge.

The s455 tax levy pertains to outstanding loans given by a company to a director or shareholder, which remains unsettled nine months after the termination of the company’s accounting cycle. The tax is presently fixed at 32.5% of the unsettled loan amount and intended to prevent companies from providing interest-free loans to their directors and shareholders.

How YRF Accountants can help you?

If you’re having trouble comprehending your individual expenditures and payments within your organization, it may be advantageous for you to plot out your compensation package. This will establish the amount, timing, and form of your draws, preventing any unexpected issues at the conclusion of the year. Additionally, this can aid in developing a more tax-savvy compensation plan that matches your current and anticipated lifestyle. If you’re looking accountants in Bolton, please contact us today